1862 $1000 Legal Tender Bill Value

Value of One Thousand Dollar Legal Tender Bill from 1862 or 1863

Year:  1862 / 1863 Type:  Legal Tender / United States Note Denomination:  One Thousand Dollar Bill
Value:  The value of legal tender one thousand dollar bills is based on their condition and series number
We purchase $1000 bills from 1862 and 1863.  Send us an email to tell us what you have admin@oldcurrencyvalues.com.  We will respond quickly with our opinion and offer.
Description:  It is currently thought that only four 1863 one thousand dollar legal tender notes are known to exist.  None of the 1862 examples (which look exactly the same) are reported.  The design of these $1000 bills is relatively simple.  The central figure is Robert Morris.  There is a red serial number printed once at the top right.  The seal is red as well.  The rest of the printing is mostly just green and black.  All notes are signed by Spinner and Chittenden.  



Variations:  There are seven different types of these early one thousand dollar legal tender notes.  The varieties are based on several intricacies which are much to complex to cover here.  If you happen to have one, send us a picture and we can tell you what variety it is.

Inscriptions:  Act of Feb 25th 1862 or Act of March 3rd, 1863  –  Series ###  –  The United States Promise To Pay To The Bearer One Thousand Dollars Payable At The Treasury of the United States At New York  –  American National Bank Note Co.  –  Register Of The Treasury  –  Treasurer Of The United States  –  Washington  –  Amer Septent Sigil Thesaur  –  March 10th 1863  –  This Note Is A Legal Tender For All Debts Public And Private Except Duties On Imports And Interest On The Public Debt / And Is exchangeable for U.S. Six percent Twenty Year Bonds, redeemable at the pleasure of the U. States after Five Years / And Is Receivable In Payment of All Loans Made To The United States  –  United States of America