Value of 1878 $100 Silver Certificate

Value of One Hundred Dollar Silver Certificate from Series of 1878


Year:  1878 Type:  Silver Certificate Denomination:  One Hundred Dollar Bill
Value:  All 1878 $100 silver certificates are rare and valuable, contact us for exact pricing
We purchase $100 silver certificates from 1878.  Send us an email to tell us what you have  We will respond quickly with our opinion and offer.
Description:  1878 marked the first year that The United States issued silver certificates.  Today these are so scarce because of their high face value.  Notes like this really weren’t even collectible until the 1950s.  So for about 80 years this was just a $100 bill to everyone – there was no reason to save it; and due to the high fave value, it would have been very expensive to keep as a curiosity item.

All one hundred dollar silver certificates have a portrait of James Madison.




Variations:  There five different types of 1878 $100 silver certificates.  Of those five types, one is not known to exist, three are unique, and the other variety is still very rare.  Please contact us for more information about varieties and exact pricing.
Inscriptions:  Certificate of Deposit  –  Act of February 28th 1878  –  Engraved & Printed at the Bureau of Engraving & Printing  –  Register Of The Treasury  –  Treasurer Of The United States  –  Assistant Treasurer U.S.  –  This Certifies That There Have Been Deposited With The (Assistant) Treasurer Of U.S. At (cities vary) Payable At His Office To The Bearer On Demand One Hundred Silver Dollars  –  United States Silver Certificate  –  Amer Septent Sigil Thesaur  –  This Certificate Is Receivable For Customs, Taxes and All Public Dues, And When So Received May Be Reissued