Value of Five Dollar Bill From Series of 1907
Year: 1907 | Type: Legal Tender / United States Note | Denomination: Five Dollar Bill |
Value: The value of two dollar bills from 1880 is based on their condition, seal color, and signatures | ||
We purchase $5 notes from the series of 1907. Send us an email to tell us what you have We will respond quickly with our opinion and offer. | ||
Description: The first thing you need to know about series of 1907 five dollar bills is that no one calls them 1907 $5 notes. Everyone simply calls them woodchoppers. Woodchoppers get their name from the fact that there is man holding an ax. He is pictured with his wife, dog, and what appears to be a baby.
Andrew Jackson is on the front of these bills. All 1907 legal tender notes have two red serial numbers, a red V, and a red seal. The value of these is purely based on condition. Contact us for pricing. If the serial number of your 1907 $5 bill begins with a star symbol, then your note will be worth more than a standard issue. Learn about 1907 $5 star notes here. |
Variations: There are no seal varieties to 1907 $5 bills. It is all about the signature combination.
Vernon – Treat In todays market, none of these signatures combinations command a premium in circulated conditions. However, in uncirculated condition, the signature does matter. Contact us for details. |
Inscriptions: Series of 1907 – Act of March 3rd 1863 – Engraved & Printed at the Bureau, Engraving & Printing – Register Of The Treasury – Treasurer Of The United States – Legal Tender For Five Dollars – The United States Will Pay The Bearer Five Dollars Washington D.C. – United States Note – Amer Septent Sigil Thesaur – Engraved & Printed at the Bureau, Engraving & Printing – United States of America – This Note is a Legal Tender at its face value for all debts public and private, except duties on imports and interest on the public debt. Counterfeiting or altering this note or passing any counterfeit or alteration of it, or having in possession any false or counterfeit plate or impression of it, or any paper made in imitation of the paper on which it is printed is felony, and is punishable by five thousand ($5,000) dollars fine, or fifteen (15) years imprisonment at hard labor or both. |