Series of 1923 One Dollar Bill Value

Value of One Dollar Bill From Series of 1923 (Legal Tender Note)


Year:  1923 Type:  Legal Tender / United States Note Denomination:  One Dollar Bill
Value:  The value of one dollar bills from 1923 is based on their condition and serial number
We purchase $1 notes from the series of 1923.  Send us an email to tell us what you have  We will respond quickly with our opinion and offer.
Description:  Series of 1923 $1 legal tender notes all have a red seal and serial numbers.  George Washington is featured in the center of the bill.  These bills are very common, but they are also very popular.  The red seal on legal tender notes always pops.  There are a lot low serial numbered notes available from the series of 1923.

If your 1923 one dollar legal tender note has a star symbol in the serial number then it will command a premium.  You can learn more about 1923 $1 star notes here.

If your 1923 $1 bill has a blue seal, then you have a 1923 $1 silver certificate.

Variations:  Series of 1923 $1 red seals are only signed by Speelman and White with no varieties outside of serial number and plate differences.
Inscriptions:  Series of 1923  –  Register Of The Treasury  –  Treasurer Of The United States  –  This Note Is A Legal Tender For One Dollar  –  The United States Will Pay To Bearer One Dollar  –  Washington D.C.  –  United States Note  –  This Note Is A Legal Tender At Its Face Value For All Debts Public And Private Except Duties On Imports And Interest On The Public Debt  –  Amer Septent Sigil Thesaur  –  United States of America One Dollar