Value of Fifty Dollar Bill from the Series of 1928
1928 $50 Federal Reserve notes in circulated condition are very common and typically worth around $75. Truly uncirculated green seal series of 1928 fifty dollar bills can be worth $250 or more depending on the serial number and issuing district. Uncirculated means that the note has never been folded and it looks brand new. We would need scans or digital photos of your note in order to determine the actual grade.
Series of 1928 fifty dollar green seals are sometimes called numeral notes. This is because the black seal on the left hand side of the note contains a number (1 – 12) which represents the issuing Federal Reserve Bank. All twelve Federal Reserve banks printed series of 1928 $50 bills.
1928 fifty dollar bills were a little bit different because they were redeemable in gold. They read “Redeemable In Gold On Demand At The United States Treasury, Or In Gold Or Lawful Money At Any Federal Reserve Bank.” The above phrase is known as the gold clause. This phrase does not make 1928 Federal Reserve notes also gold certificates. Gold certificates have a gold colored seal and serial number and are worth more than green seal fifties.
You can also find “Federal Reserve Note The United States Of America Will Pay To The Bearer On Demand Fifty Dollars” printed on each note. All series of 1928 $50 bills were signed by W.O. Woods as the Treasurer of The United States and by A.W. Mellon as the Secretary of the Treasury.
All series of 1928 Federal Reserve $50 notes were printed in Washington DC. They feature a portrait of Ulysses S Grant and have The U.S. Capitol on the back. They have a green seal on the right and green serial numbers. Remember that “In God We Trust” didn’t start until 1956. Therefore no 1928 notes ever have that motto on them.
Two things are very important when looking at a series of 1928 fifty dollar bill. Condition is extremely important. The serial number on a series of 1928 fifty dollar bill can be the difference between $75 and hundreds of dollars.
Look for notes that have serial numbers that start with six or more zeros. Serial numbers that end with a star symbol could be especially valuable.
Keep in mind that the condition and serial numbers are very important when determining values for star notes. However, assuming lightly circulated condition and a generic star serial number, the following chart is a basic guideline for 1928 fifty dollar green seal star notes:
Boston (1) – $2,000+
New York (2) – $150
Philadelphia (3) – $150+
Cleveland (4) – $250+
Richmond (5) – $300+
Atlanta (6) – $300+
Chicago (7) – $150+
St. Louis (8) – $250+
Minneapolis (9) – $1,000+
Kansas City (10) – $500+
Dallas (11) – $1,000+
San Francisco (12) – $300+
We are very interested in purchasing uncirculated 1928 $50 bills. We are especially interested in consecutive runs. We purchase all series of 1928 fifty dollar star notes. Send us an email ( to get our offer on what you have.