Value of 1934 $10 Silver Certificate

1934 $10 Silver Certificate – Values and Pricing

Series of 1934 ten dollar bills with a blue seal and serial numbers are very common.  Star notes, uncirculated notes, and low serial numbers are collectible.  Notes 1934 $10 silver certificates in average condition are not very important.

Value in Circulated Condition of 1934 $10 Blue Seal: $15

Value in CU or Better Condition:  $100

Number of Notes Printed: 88,692,864

Star Notes Printed:  Yes, contact us for exact value, they are common

Seal:  Located on the right hand side of the bill in blue ink

Serial Number:  Written in blue ink, begins with A or B, ends with A

Inscriptions on 1934 $10 Blue Seal: “Silver Certificate This Certifies That There Is On Deposit In The Treasury Of The United States Of America Ten Dollars In Silver Payable To The Bearer On Demand” – “This Certificate Is Legal Tender For All Debts Public And Private”

Series of 1934 $10 Silver Certificates Were Printed In:  Washington DC

Series of 1934 $10 Silver Certificates Feature a Portrait Of:  Alexander Hamilton

Treasurer of The United States on 1934 $10 Blue Seals:  W.A. Julian

Secretary of The Treasury on 1934 $10 Blue Seals: Henry Morgenthau Jr.

We purchase 1934 ten dollar silver certificates if they are in perfect condition, are star notes, or low serial number notes.  Contact us if you have a 1934 $10 bill