Series of 1928D Two Dollar Bill – Red Seal Legal Tender – Values and Pricing
Series of 1928D $2 notes are very common. The series can be broken up into mules and non-mules. Both notes are common. The one exception is the BA non-mule note. The rare 1928D non-mule $2 bill will have a serial number starting with 97, 98, or 99, and the back plate will be 289 or higher.
Besides the rare exception above, a 1928D $2 red seal legal tender note should cost $5 if heavily circulated. You can spend $15 and buy a really nice looking but circulated 1928D two; a choice uncirculated example can be bought for less $100.
If you count all the different blocks that were used for the series of 1928D $2, almost 150 million notes were printed in total, hence why they are so available.
Like all red seal two dollar legal tender notes, the series of 1928D $2 notes features Thomas Jefferson on the front and Monticello on the back.
Series of 1928D $2 bills were printed in the later period between January 1934 and July 1944. These dates coincide with when Henry Morgenthau Jr. and WA Julian were in office together.
Series of 1928D $2 star notes were also printed. To learn more about 1928D $2 star notes click here.
We are aggressive buyers of 1928D $2 red seal notes. We are especially looking to buy uncirculated notes, consecutive runs, the BA block non-mules, and any star notes. Please contact us to tell us what you have.