Twenty Dollar Bill with a Star in the Serial Number – Values and Pricing
In terms of star notes for the twenty dollar denomination, there really isn’t a key to the series. However, there are certainly a handful of rare notes. In no particular order, the following $20 star notes are rare:
1929 $20 Federal Reserve bank note star from Dallas (brown seal)
1928 $20 Federal Reserve star note from Dallas (green seal)
All 1928A $20 Federal Reserve star notes are rare (green seal)
1934 and 1934A $20 Hawaii star notes are always popular (brown seal)
Other notes that aren’t as rare, but some are popular like the 1928 $20 star gold certificate. Any twenty dollar star note printed before 1950 that has a two digit serial number will be in demand. This applies to 1929 browns seals along with 1928 and 1934 green seals.
There are certainly plenty of mundane twenty dollar star notes printed between 1928 and 1934, but most will at least have a chance to be collectible. Unfortunately, $20 star notes printed for the series of 1950 and newer just won’t have much collector value.
If you have a twenty dollar star note you are curious about, then send us a scan or digital photo of the front and back of the bill. We can check it for varieties and tell you what it is worth.