Series of 1928 $50 Gold Certificate Star Note – Value and Pricing
Series of 1928 $50 gold certificate star notes are few and far between. The highest serial number known to exist for the 1928 fifty dollar star note series is *00028165A. It is very likely that less than 30,000 1928 $50 star notes were actually printed and released for circulation.
This limited supply is spread across a relatively high demand. Many collectors find it easy to purchase ten and twenty dollar 1928 gold star notes, so the fifty and one hundred stars are always next on the list. However, there is certainly a big price gap between the four denominations.
A circulated 1928 $50 gold star note will cost about $1,500. Ultra-high grade fifty dollar gold star notes are rarely available, but always command premiums.
We are aggressive buyers of all series of 1928 $50 gold certificate star notes. Please let us know what you have so that we can make an offer.