Series of 1928E $2 Red Seal Star Notes – Values and Pricing
Unlike regular 1928E two dollar issues, the series of 1928E $2 red seal star note is very rare. Eight different 1928 two dollar star notes were issued. The 1928E is the second best of the eight.
There were likely less than 15,000 1928E two star notes printed. Even a circulated 1928E $2 star note will start at $1,000. Uncirculated examples are actually fairly available, but they are certainly costly. Please contact us for exact pricing.
Like all red seal two dollar legal tender notes, the series of 1928E $2 star notes features Thomas Jefferson on the front and Monticello on the back.
Series of 1928E $2 bills were printed between July 1945 and July 1946. These dates coincide with when Fred M Vinson and WA Julian were in office together.
We are aggressive buyers of 1928E $2 red seal star note notes. Please contact us to tell us what you have. You will likely be very pleased with our offer.