Value of Misprinted Large Size Currency
Misprints on large size currency are sometimes difficult to value. Occasionally when a misprint is on an already rare issue, the misprint doesn’t really add much value. However, if the same misprint is on an otherwise very common large size bill, then the misprint could increase the value of the bill several times over.
The most common misprint on large size currency is the inverted back. Inverted back is a slightly technical term for when the back of a bill is upside down when compared to the front. Inverted back misprints are common. Gutter folds are also very common large size notes. A fairly common still interesting large size misprint is the upside down seal and serial number.
However, when it comes to large size currency, the kind of misprints is the double denomination. Double denominations are occasionally seen on 1899, 1914, and 1918 issues. Misprints like those are mind-blowing and very valuable.
We are looking to purchase any and all large size currency misprints. Send us an email with a picture of what you have: