Old Fifty Dollar Bill Value

Old Fifty Dollar Bill Seal Colors

The modern fifty dollar bill featuring Grant was only printed for three different seal colors.  $50 bills come with:

Green Seals – Gold SealsBrown Seals

1928 $50 gold seals tend to be the most valuable of the three seal colors.  Any fifty dollar bill that has a serial number that begins or ends with a star symbol has a chance to be valuable.  However, any fifty dollar bill from 1950 or newer will have little to no collector value, even if it has a star symbol.

Fifty dollar bills can also have low serial numbers.  To qualify as a low number, the serial number should have six or seven leading zeros.  Some collectors specialize in low serial numbered fifty dollar bills.

Any fifty dollar bill from 1928 and newer is referred to as a “small size fifty” by collectors.  Small size fifty dollar bills were printed as Federal Reserve notes, gold certificates, national bank notes, and Federal Reserve bank notes.

You can learn more about your Ulysses S Grant fifty dollar bill by clicking a seal color above or one of the fifty dollar bills below.



 Green Seal Fifty Dollar Bills (1928 to Present)



Gold Seal Fifty Dollar Bills



Brown Seal Fifty Dollar Bills