Series of 1928 $2 Red Seal Star Notes – Values and Pricing
Series of 1928 two dollar star notes are one of the more common star issues for the 1928 series, but certainly not the most common. Please note that when we say 1928, we are referring just to the series of 1928, not 1928A, 1928B, etc.
A heavily circulated series of 1928 $2 red seal star note will only cost around $100. However, nicer condition notes will sell for a good bit more, please contact us for pricing.
1928 $2 star notes are special because they were the first printed for the year and denomination, so these serial numbers start at *00000001A.
In total, somewhere around 700,000 series of 1928 $2 red seal star notes were printed.
Like all red seal two dollar legal tender notes, the series of 1928 $2 star notes features Thomas Jefferson on the front and Monticello on the back.
All 1928 two dollar bills were printed in 1928 and for a few days in January 1929. 1928 notes are signed by AW Mellon and HT Tate.
We are aggressive buyers of 1928 $2 red seal star note notes. Please contact us to tell us what you have.