Small Size United States Currency – Values, Pricing, and Sales

Small Size United States Currency – Values, Pricing, and Sales

The term small size currency refers to United States paper money printed starting in 1928.  Before 1928 currency was larger than it is today, and conveniently these notes are today called large size currency.  Click on the denomination below to move forward and quickly identify the value of your small size currency:


$1 $2 $5 $10 $20 $50 $100 $500 $1,000 $5,000 $10,000


Small size currency can be difficult to keep up with.  There are different seal colors, mule notes, star notes, numerous types of errors, and block rarities.  There are a handful of good reference books that cover the entire small size currency period, 1928 to present.We are specifically focusing on small size currency printed before 1967.  To keep things as simple as possible we are using a three-click identification system for small size currency.  Just select the denomination above. Then select the seal color.  Finally select the year.  Remember, this is just for currency printed between 1928 and 1966.  Any currency that is newer than that won’t be collectible.For ease of use you can just skip ahead to some key small size currency types:

1928 Gold Certificates – Hawaii Notes – North Africa Notes – Fancy Serial Numbers – High Denominations